Universite Paris Saclay Comue--巴黎萨克雷大学




  In 2020, Université Paris-Saclay continues its transformation:

  An even more complete training offer and motivating paths to explore for students;

  New strong lines of research that combine disciplinary excellence and interdisciplinary issues;

  Individual and collective results that increase knowledge to benefit the society;

  mixed teams, academic or administrative, that marry cultures, differences, and points of view to make the Université Paris-Saclay a great laboratory of ideas.

  These driving forces can be discovered through this main website, but also those of our university’s constituent faculties (5 Academics and Research Units, also called "facultés" of Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Law-Economics-Management, Sports Sciences; 3 University Institutes of Technologies focused on the scientific and technical fields in Cachan and Orsay, and on the tertiary sector in Sceaux; and a university engineering school).

  Our component institutions (CentraleSupélec, AgroParisTech, Ecole normale supérieure Paris-Saclay and Institut d'optique graduate school) and our member-associated universities (UVSQ and UEVE) further broaden its range of training, research and innovation.

  Université Paris-Saclay in 2020 one of the best of France’s higher education and research, under a label of international excellence.