• 姓名: 魏秋平
  • 职称: 副教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 中南大学
  • 材料科学与工程学院

2000-2004 中南大学 大学本科 金属材料工程

2004-2007 中南大学 硕士研究生 材料学

2007-2011 中南大学 博士研究生 材料学

2009-2011 布里斯托尔大学(University of Bristol,UK ) 中英 联合培养博士研究生 化学院


2011-2014 中南大学 讲师 材料学

2012-2015 中南大学 博士后 冶金工程博士后流动站













2012-2017 升华育英计划,中南大学(主持)

2012-2014 钢基表面耐磨损抗腐蚀(WC-Co)/金刚石复合涂层的设计和相关科学研究,中央高校专项基金(主持)

2012-2015 基于高频SAW器件用LAD多层膜结构的制备与性能研究,中国博士后面上基金(主持)

2012-2015 基于高频SAW器件用LAD多层膜结构的制备与性能研究,中南大学优秀博士后基金(主持)

2013-2014 耐等离子体烧蚀金刚石涂层研制,国防项目(主持)

2013-2015 高频高功率LAD多层膜结构声表面波器件的研制,中国博士后特别基金(主持)

2013-2014 激光驱动飞片靶的镀膜开发,北京卫星环境研究所航天项目(主持)

2013-2014 梯度硬质合金上CVD碳素耐磨减摩涂层的摩擦学性能研究,粉末冶金国家重点实验室自主课题(主持)

2014-2015 高质量多层结构激光驱动飞片靶的研制,北京卫星环境研究所航天项目(主持)

2014-2019 光热镀膜设备与镀膜工艺开发,横向项目(主持)

2014-2016 WC-Co(Cr)中间层扩散行为对钢基CVD金刚石涂层结合强度的影响,国家自然科学青年基金(主持)

2016-2017 金刚石/铝基复合材料中增强体结构因子对整体导热性能的影响机理研究,粉末冶金国家重点实验室(主持)

2016-2017 加工刀具用复合DLC涂层研制,横向项目(主持)

2011-2014 真空电子器件用BeO夹持杆及其表面改性,军品配套(第三负责人)

2012-2015 场发射冷阴极用合金箔材及其表面改性,军品配套(核心完成人)

2012-2016 周期磁场约束化学气相沉积金刚石的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(核心参与人)

2016-2020 高性能铜合金特种加工材制造技术,十三五国家重点研发项目(子课题“粉末冶金铜碳复合材料制备与应用技术基础”中金刚石/铜复合材料子项核心参与人)

2017-2021 钛合金抗结核药物微球控释系统的研制及其骨整合效应的基础研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(核心参与人)

2017-2020 金刚石/铝网络互穿结构及其界面对复合材料导热性能的影响,国家自然科学青年基金(核心完成人,排名第二)

2017-2018 金刚石涂层线路板刀具工业生产设备及生产工艺研发,横向项目(主持)



[1] Youneng Xie, Jiaxin Li, Z.M. Yu, Qiuping Wei, Nano modified SLA process for titanium implants,Materials Letters 186 (2017) 38–41 (JCR2)

[2] Zejun Deng, Hangyu Long, Qiuping Wei, Zhiming Yu, Bo Zhou, Yijia Wang, Long Zhang, Shasha Li, Li Ma, Youneng Xie, Jie Min, High-performance non-enzymatic glucose sensor based on nickelmicrocrystalline graphite-boron doped diamond complex electrode, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, DOI:10.1016/j.snb.2016.09.176 (通讯作者, JCR1)

[3] Yao Qi, Hangyu Long, Li Ma, Quiping Wei, Site Li, Zhiming Yu, Jingyuan Hu, Peizhi Liu, Yijia Wang, Lingcong Meng, Enhanced selectivity of boron doped diamond electrodes for the detection of dopamine and ascorbic acid by increasing the film thickness, Applied Surface Science 390 (2016) 882–889.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[4]Youneng Xie, Jing Zhou, Qiuping Wei, Z.M. Yu, Hao Luo, Bo Zhou, Z.G. Tang. Improving the long-term stability of Ti6Al4V abutment screw by coating micro/nano-crystalline diamond films, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 63(2016)174–182.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[5] B. Zhou, Z. Yu, Q. Wei, H. Long, Y. Xie, Y. Wang, Electrochemical oxidation of biological pretreated and membrane separated landfill leachate concentrates on boron doped diamond anode, Applied Surface Science, 377 (2016) 406-415.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[6] Y. Xie, J. Zuo, B. Zhou, L. Ma, Z.M. Yu, Q. Wei, Z.G. Tang, Sandblast-free double-etched titanium for dental implants application, Materials Letters, 176 (2016) 74-77. (JCR2)

[7] Y. Wang, J. Li, H. Long, H. Luo, B. Zhou, Y. Xie, S. Li, Q. Wei, Z. Yu, A periodic magnetic field assisted chemical vapor deposition technique to fabricate diamond film with preferred orientation, Surface and Coatings Technology, 292 (2016) 49-53.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[8] L. Ma, L. Zhang, P. Zhao, N. Hu, Z. Gong, W. Ye, Q. Wei, K. Zhou, Z. Yu, Y. Zhang, A new design of composites for thermal management: Aluminium reinforced with continuous CVD diamond coated W spiral wires, Materials & Design, 101 (2016) 109-116.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[9] S. Li, L. Ma, H. Long, X. Yu, H. Luo, Y. Wang, H. Zhu, Z. Yu, M. Ma, Q. Wei*, Enhanced electron field emission properties of diamond/microcrystalline graphite composite films synthesized by thermal catalytic etching, Applied Surface Science, 367 (2016) 473-479.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[61] J. Zuo, Y. Xie, J. Zhang, Q. Wei, B. Zhou, J. Luo, Y. Wang, Z.M. Yu, Z.G. Tang, TiN coated stainless steel bracket: Tribological, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and mechanical performance, Surface and Coatings Technology, 277 (2015) 227-233.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[10] X.J. Zhou, J.W. Xu, L. Yang, X.S. Tang, Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, Amorphous In2Ga2ZnO7 films with adjustable structural, electrical and optical properties deposited by magnetron sputtering, Optical Materials Express, 5 (2015) 1628-1634. (JCR1)

[11] Q.-p. Wei, L. Ma, J. Ye, Z.-m. Yu, Growth mechanism of icosahedral and other five-fold symmetric diamond crystals, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 25 (2015) 1587-1598.(第一作者, JCR2)

[12] H. Luo, Q. Wei, Z.M. Yu, Y. Wang, H. Long, Y. Xie, Effect of film thickness on the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity for diamond/BeO composites, Ceram. Int., 41 (2015) 12052-12057.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[13] H. Long, S. Li, H. Luo, Y. Wang, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu, The effect of periodic magnetic field on the fabrication and field emission properties of nanocrystalline diamond films, Applied Surface Science, 353 (2015) 548-552.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[14] F. Jie, Q. Yao, S. Jingkai, L. Zhou, M. Li, W. Xianzhe, H. Dongping, M. Jun, Y. Zhiming, W. Qiuping, Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films Deposited in Ar-CO2- CH4 Gas Mixtures by Microwave CVD, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 44 (2015) 3009-3013.(JCR4)

[15] J. Feng, Y.-n. Xie, Z. Li, X.-z. Wu, J.-g. Li, J. Mei, Z.-m. Yu, Q.-p. Wei, Microscopic mechanical characteristics analysis of ultranano-crystalline diamond films, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 25 (2015) 3291-3296.(JCR2)

[16] J. Feng, S.S. Li, H. Luo, Q.P. Wei, B. Wang, J.G. Li, D.P. Hu, J. Mei, Z.M. Yu, Preparation and characterization of ultrananocrystalline diamond films in H-2/Ar/CH4 gas mixtures system with novel filament structure, J. Cent. South Univ., 22 (2015) 4097-4104.(JCR3)

[17] T.M. Yang, Q.P. Wei, Y. Qi, Z.M. Yu, The diffusion behavior of carbon in sputtered tungsten film and sintered tungsten block and its effect on diamond nucleation and growth, Diam Relat Mater, 52 (2015) 49-58.(通讯作者, JCR2)

[18] T. Yang, Q. Wei, Y. Qi, Y. Wang, Y. Xie, J. Luo, Z. Yu, Microstructure evolution of thermal spray WC–Co interlayer during hot filament chemical vapor deposition of diamond thin films, J. Alloy. Compd., 639 (2015) 659-668.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[19] H. Long, H. Luo, J. Luo, Y. Xie, Z. Deng, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, The concentration gradient of boron along the growth direction in boron doped chemical vapor deposited diamond, Materials Letters, 157 (2015) 34-37.(通讯作者, JCR2)

[20] Y. Liu, M. Du, M. Zhang, Q. Wei, Z. Yu, X. Li, Growth of diamond coatings on functionally graded cemented carbides, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 49 (2015) 307-313.(JCR1)

[21] Q.P. Wei, X.W. Zhang, D.Y. Liu, J. Li, K.C. Zhou, D. Zhang, Z.M. Yu, Effects of sputtering pressure on nanostructure and nanomechanical properties of AlN films prepared by RF reactive sputtering, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 24 (2014) 2845-2855.(第一作者, JCR2)

[22] J.Q. Wang, J. Zhou, H.Y. Long, Y.N. Xie, X.W. Zhang, H. Luo, Z.J. Deng, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu, J. Zhang, Z.G. Tang, Tribological, anti-corrosive properties and biocompatibility of the micro- and nano-crystalline diamond coated Ti6Al4V, Surf Coat Tech, 258 (2014) 1032-1038.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[23] J.Q. Luo, F. Long, H.Y. Long, Y.J. Wang, D.F. Yin, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu, Coexistent structures and film growth in vanadium oxides films, Materials Letters, 130 (2014) 172-175.(通讯作者, JCR2)

[24] H.Y. Long, J.Q. Wang, X.W. Zhang, H. Luo, J.Q. Luo, Z.J. Deng, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu, Effects of copper interlayer on deposition and flexibility improvement of diamond microelectrode, Surf Coat Tech, 258 (2014) 797-803.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[25] Z.M. Yu, J. Wang, Q.P. Wei*, L.C. Meng, S.M. Hao, F. Long, Preparation, characterization and electrochemical properties of boron-doped diamond films on Nb substrates, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 23 (2013) 1334-1341.(通讯作者, JCR2)

[26] Z.M. Yu, X.Z. Liu, Q.P. Wei, T.M. Yang, M.K. Tian, H. Zhai, Nanocrystalline Diamond Matrix Deposited on Copper Substrate by Radical Species Restricted Diffusion, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (2013) 6910-6916.(JCR3)

[27] Q.P. Wei, T.M. Yang, K.C. Zhou, L. Ma, P. Zheng, J. Li, D. Zhang, Z. Li, Z.M. Yu, Effect of sputtered Mo interlayers on Si (100) substrates for the deposition of diamond film by hot filament chemical vapor deposition, Surf Coat Tech, 232 (2013) 456-463.(第一作者, JCR1)

[28] F. Long, Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, J.Q. Luo, X.W. Zhang, H.Y. Long, X.Z. Wu, Effects of temperature and Mo2C layer on stress and structural properties in CVD diamond film grown on Mo foil, J. Alloy. Compd., 579 (2013) 638-645.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[29] X.Z. Liu, Z.M. Yu, Q.P. Wei, G.F. Wen, X.H. Duan, X.L. You, Modification of polycrystalline nanodiamonds by using periodic magnetic field enhanced hydrogen plasma and the application on nanogrinding of thin film magnetic head, Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Asp., 416 (2013) 9-15.(通讯作者, JCR2)

[32] X.Z. Liu, Q.P. Wei, H. Zhai, Z.M. Yu, Enhancement of nucleation of diamond films deposited on copper substrate by nickel modification layer, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 23 (2013) 667-673.(JCR2)

[31] X.Z. Liu, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu, T.M. Yang, H. Zhai, Adherent diamond film deposited on Cu substrate by carbon transport from nanodiamond buried under Pt interlayer, Applied Surface Science, 265 (2013) 714-719.(通讯作者, JCR1)

[32] X.B. Wu, Z.M. Yu, Q.P. Wei, J. Zhao, L.C. Meng, J. Wang, Chemical vapor deposited diamonds on Re substrate for the application of field emission, Surf Coat Tech, 207 (2012) 1-4.(JCR1)

[33] X.Z. Liu, T. Yu, Q.P. Wei*, Z.M. Yu, X.Y. Xu, Enhanced diamond nucleation on copper substrates by employing an electrostatic self-assembly seeding process with modified nanodiamond particles, Colloid Surf. A-Physicochem. Eng. Asp., 412 (2012) 82-89.(通讯作者, JCR2)

[34] X.Z. Liu, Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, D.F. Yin, CVD diamond film deposited on copper substrate enhanced by a thin platinum modification layer, Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 209 (2012) 2217-2222.(通讯作者, JCR2)

[35] Q.P. Wei, M.N.R. Ashfold, Z.M. Yu, L. Ma, D.F. Yin, Fabrication of high density, adherent films of five-fold symmetric diamond crystals by hot filament chemical vapour deposition, Journal of Crystal Growth, 336 (2011) 72-76.(第一作者, JCR3)

[36] Q.P. Wei, M.N.R. Ashfold, Y.A. Mankelevich, Z.M. Yu, P.Z. Liu, L. Ma, Diamond growth on WC-Co substrates by hot filament chemical vapor deposition: Effect of filament-substrate separation, Diam Relat Mater, 20 (2011) 641-650.(第一作者, JCR2)

[37] Q. Wei, M.N.R. Ashfold, Z.M. Yu, L. Ma, Fabrication of adherent porous diamond films on sintered WC-13 wt.%Co substrates by bias enhanced hot filament chemical vapour deposition, Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 208 (2011) 2033-2037.(第一作者, JCR2)

[38] L. Wang, Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, Z.H. Wang, M.K. Tian, Influence of methane on hot filament CVD diamond films deposited on high-speed teel substrates with WC-Co interlayer, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 18 (2011) 1819-1824.(JCR3)

[39] L. Ma, K.C. Zhou, Z.Y. Li, Q.P. Wei, L. Zhang, Hot corrosion of a novel NiO/NiFe2O4 composite coating thermally converted from the electroplated Ni-Fe alloy, Corrosion Sci., 53 (2011) 3712-3724.(JCR1)

[40] Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, M.N.R. Ashfold, J. Ye, L. Ma, Synthesis of micro- or nano-crystalline diamond films on WC-Co substrates with various pretreatments by hot filament chemical vapor deposition, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) 4357-4364.(第一作者, JCR1)

[41] Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, M.N.R. Ashfold, L. Ma, Z. Chen, Fretting wear and electrochemical corrosion of well-adhered CVD diamond films deposited on steel substrates with a WC-Co interlayer, Diam Relat Mater, 19 (2010) 1144-1152.(第一作者, JCR2)

[42] Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, M.N.R. Ashfold, Z. Chen, L. Wang, L. Ma, Effects of thickness and cycle parameters on fretting wear behavior of CVD diamond coatings on steel substrates, Surf Coat Tech, 205 (2010) 158-167.(第一作者, JCR1)

[43] L. Ma, K.C. Zhou, Z.Y. Li, Q.P. Wei, Electrodeposition of Ni-Co-Fe2O3 composite coatings, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 17 (2010) 708-714.(JCR3)

[44] Z.M. Yu, Q.P. Wei, J. Ye, A. Flodrstrom, Formation of an icosahedral diamond crystal and its computer simulation, New Carbon Materials, 24 (2009) 102-108.(通讯作者, JCR3)

[45] Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, L. Ma, D.F. Yin, J. Ye, The effects of temperature on nanocrystalline diamond films deposited on WC-13 wt.% Co substrate with W-C gradient layer, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2009) 1322-1328.(第一作者, JCR1)

[46] Q.P. Wei, Z.M. Yu, L. Ma, D.F. Yin, ENHANCED NUCLEATION AND SMOOTHNESS OF NANOCRYSTALLINE DIAMOND FILMS VIA W-C GRADIENT INTERLAYER, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23 (2009) 1676-1682.(第一作者, JCR3)




[2]. 国际发明专利: 一种硼掺杂金刚石电极及其制备方法与应用, 魏秋平,周科朝,马莉,张龙,余志明, 申请号:PCT/CN2017/074374

[1]. 国际发明专利: 一种泡沫骨架增强复合材料及制备方法与应用, 周科朝,魏秋平,马莉,张龙,余志明, 申请号:PCT/CN2017/074397


[32].中国发明专利:锇膜电阻型原子氧密度传感器芯片的制备方法,周科朝,魏秋平,郭曜华,易忠,刘向鹏,马莉,余志明,申请号:CN 201610910439.7

[31].中国发明专利:一种智能手套及其使用方法,魏秋平,杜亚军,郭宗昌,周科朝,马莉,余志明,申请号:CN 201610935615.2

[30].中国发明专利: 一种铌基硼掺杂金刚石泡沫电极及其制备方法和应用, 魏秋平,周科朝,马莉,张龙,余志明,申请号:CN201610920318.0

[29].中国发明专利:一种高比表面积硼掺杂金刚石电极及其制备方法和应用, 魏秋平,周科朝,马莉,张龙,余志明, 申请号:CN201610919507.6

[28].中国发明专利:一种泡沫金刚石增强石蜡相变储能材料及制备方法, 魏秋平,周科朝,张龙,马莉,余志明,刘家喻,申请号:CN201610919637X

[27].中国发明专利:一种复合表面药物负载缓释系统及其制备方法, 魏秋平,周科朝,马莉,卞泽宇,王锡阳,余志明,申请号:CN201610846258.2

[26].中国发明专利:泡沫金刚石骨架增强铜基复合材料及制备方法, 魏秋平,周科朝,马莉,余志明,张龙, 专利号:ZL201610162466.0

[25].中国发明专利:一种泡沫金刚石骨架增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法, 魏秋平,周科朝,马莉,余志明,李志友,专利号:ZL201610161943.1

[24].中国发明专利:泡沫石墨烯骨架增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法, 魏秋平,马莉,周科朝,余志明,李志友,叶文涛,张岳峰, 专利号:ZL201610161189.1

[23].中国发明专利:一种泡沫石墨烯骨架增强铜基复合材料及制备方法, 魏秋平,马莉,周科朝,余志明,叶文涛, 专利号:CN201610161324.3

[22].中国发明专利:一种泡沫骨架结构增强金属基复合材料及制备方法, 周科朝,魏秋平,马莉,余志明,专利号:ZL201610161232.4

[21].中国发明专利:一种蜂窝状结构增强复合材料及制备方法, 周科朝,魏秋平,马莉,余志明,张龙,叶文涛,张岳峰, 专利号:CN201610161186.8

[20].中国发明专利:一种表面改性三维网络碳纤维增强复合材料及制备方法, 周科朝,魏秋平,马莉,余志明, 申请号:CN201610162453.3

[19].中国发明专利:一种三维空间网络多孔高效散热器及应用, 马莉,魏秋平,周科朝,余志明,张龙,张岳峰, 申请号:CN201610162581.8

[18].中国发明专利:一种超高导热连续金刚石骨架增强复合材料及制备方法, 马莉,魏秋平,周科朝,余志明,李志友,张龙,叶文涛, 申请号:201610162488.7

[17].中国发明专利:一种片状与线状导热材料耦合增强复合材料及制备方法, 周科朝,马莉,魏秋平,余志明,张龙,叶文涛,张岳峰, 专利号:CN201610162505.7

[16].中国发明专利:石墨烯和/或碳纳米管包覆金刚石复合材料及其制备方法及应用, 马莉,周科朝,魏秋平,余志明,张岳峰,叶文涛, 申请号:CN201610161233.9

[15].中国发明专利:一种螺旋体增强金属基或聚合物基复合材料及制备方法, 马莉,周科朝,魏秋平,余志明,张龙,叶文涛,张岳峰, 专利号:ZL201610161169.4

[14].中国发明专利:不同维度高导热材料增强聚合物基复合材料及制备方法, 周科朝,马莉,魏秋平,余志明,张龙,叶文涛,张岳峰, 申请号:CN201610161025.9

[13].中国发明专利:一种泡沫骨架增强聚合物基复合材料及其制备方法, 周科朝,马莉,魏秋平,余志明, 申请号:CN201610162661.3

[12].中国发明专利:一维金刚石增强铝基复合材料及其制备方法, 马莉,周科朝,魏秋平,余志明,李志友,专利号:ZL 201510659346.7

[11].中国发明专利:一种片状金刚石增强金属基复合材料及制备方法, 马莉,魏秋平,周科朝,余志明,李志友, 专利号:ZL 201510660439.1

[10].中国发明专利:三维网络金刚石骨架增强金属基复合材料及制备方法, 马莉,魏秋平,周科朝,余志明,李志友, 专利号:ZL 201510661499.5

[9].中国发明专利:一种螺旋线增强金属基复合材料及其制备方法, 魏秋平,马莉,余志明,周科朝, 专利号:ZL 201510658748.5

[8].中国发明专利: 用于光泵浦源的表面放电陶瓷基板及其制备方法, 李俊生,魏秋平,黄超,程海峰,周永江,罗浩,童思超, 专利号: ZL 201410631564

[7].中国发明专利: 用于光泵浦源的表面放电玻璃基板及其制备方法, 李俊生,魏秋平,黄超,程海峰,周永江,罗浩,童思超, 专利号: ZL 201410631471

[6].中国发明专利: 一种运动磁场辅助增强化学气相沉积方法及装置, 余志明, 魏秋平, 专利号: ZL2012 1 0158815.3.

[5].中国发明专利: 一种高性能定向导热铜基金刚石复合材料及其制备方法, 魏秋平, 余志明, 刘学璋, 专利号: ZL2011 1 0169998.4.

[4].中国发明专利: 一种金刚石膜涂层钢铁基复合材料及其制备方法, 魏秋平,余志明, 专利号: ZL 2009 1 0226643.7

[3].中国发明专利: 多用途批量制备CVD金刚石膜的工业设备, 魏秋平,余志明,娄俊岭,陈永勤,杨永青,尹登峰, 专利号:ZL 2009 1 0043584.X

[2].中国发明专利: 一种用于线性试样制备CVD金刚石膜的装置, 余志明,魏秋平,杨永青,娄俊岭,陈永勤,黄登高,孟泽, 专利号:ZL 2009 1 0042952.9

[1].中国发明专利: 一种金刚石/W-C梯度结构复合涂层及其制备方法, 魏秋平,余志明,陈永勤,尹登峰, 专利号:ZL 2009 1 0042740.0
